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Shades Tobacco - Exzellenter Virginia Dry Base Tabak Made in Germany

Shades Tobacco haben sich mit ihrem erstklassigen und aromatischen Shishia Tabak die Sympathie vieler Mitglieder der Shisha Community gesichert. Tabaksorten wie Bluegasmus oder Rasporn kommen bei vielen Genießern gut an und konnten sich schnell einen Platz in den Köpfchen der Nation sichern. Das in Deutschland gegründete Unternehmen setzt durchweg auf Rohstoffe aus deutscher Produktion, daher kannst du dir sicher sein, dass der Tabak von hoher Qualität ist und strengen Kontrollen unterliegt. Auch Shades bieten mittlerweile ihre Verkaufsschlager als Dry Base Pfeifentabak an, daher kannst du mittlerweile wieder etwas Geld beim Rauchen der Tabaksorten sparen.› Hier findest du weitere Informationen

What Shades pipe tobacco flavors are available at Moze?

Shades Tobacco produces outstanding flavors. These include the following:

  • Bluegasmus: Blueberry, Raspberry, Strawberry, Cooling
  • Rasporn: Raspberry, Ice
  • Woodmaster: Woodruff
  • Grpporn: Grape
  • Kwickie: Kiwi, Ice
  • Dirty Mandy: Mandarin
  • Ananazz: Pineapple

Discover these and many more hookah tobacco flavors at our Moze Hookah Shop.

What is Shades Tobacco Dry Base pipe tobacco?

Shades Tobacco pipe tobacco is a flavored dry tobacco that cannot be smoked directly in a hookah. Only by adding 130 g of glycerin (at least 95% purity), carefully mixing both components several times, and letting it sit for a while, do you get a moist hookah tobacco that can then be smoked in a hookah.

Note: Mixing with 130 g of taxed glycerin will produce 200 g of hookah tobacco. Production is only allowed with a permit and must be taxed in a tax warehouse.

Which Shades Tobacco flavors are the brand's top sellers?

Shades Rasporn certainly leads the pack. The brand's raspberry flavor is very aromatic and offers an intense smoking experience.

📄 Check out our list of top sellers: Best Hookah Tobacco!

FAQ: Shades Tobacco

Why is Shades Tobacco so successful?


Shades Tobacco is successful due to its production in Germany. High quality and excellent production standards ensure the tobacco's superior quality.

What is the best Shades hookah tobacco?


One of the standout Shades tobacco flavors is undoubtedly "Rasporn." This flavor combines the refreshing coolness of menthol with the slightly tangy sweetness of raspberry. This harmonious blend is appreciated by many hookah smokers.

Is Shades tobacco good?


Shades Tobacco continues to enjoy high demand and sales, reflecting its quality and high standing in the hookah scene. This indicates that Shades Tobacco is highly appreciated and is indeed good!